After School Care Options
Maya Lin School offers several no-cost or low cost before and after school care options.
Alameda Music Project
Alameda Music Project is an El Sistema inspired youth orchestra and academic achievement program providing children access to inspirational music education. All students participating in AMP receive high-quality music instruction, academic support, and a nutritious snack 5 days a week plus all necessary musical supplies (instruments, song books, etc). We provide children with musical instruction (choir, violin, cello, percussion, and music exploration) and performance experiences in a collaborative, orchestral environment that helps build confidence, compassion, and teamwork. Children learn the importance of collaboration and cooperation in and outside the ensemble; they learn how to become one voice, and through their shared experience, grow stronger as individuals and as a community.
Location: Maya Lin School Days: Monday through Friday Times: After school until 6:00 p.m. Non-Student Days: Alameda Music Project will be closed.Find out more at their Alameda Music Project and apply Apply for Music Project.
Alameda Arts
Girls Incorporated of Alameda (Girls Only)
Girls Incorporated of the Island City's elementary after-school programs for girls, grades 1-5, are structured to meet the needs of developing girls. Programs are delivered in three sessions (fall, winter, and spring) by staff trained to create learning environments that support the way girls learn and build their self-confidence. They provide supervised walking transportation to Girls Inc.
For information, contact Christine Chilcott at 510-521-1743 ext. 204 or visit the Girls Inc. Website.
RAP - Recreation After School Program
RAP Recreation After-school Program (Grades K-5) is offered by the Alameda Parks and Recreation Department at Washington Park and for kindergartners at Longfellow Park. Students are picked up at Maya Lin School at the end of their instructional day and walked to the appropriate location. Daily activities include snacks, choices of games, arts and crafts, cooking, and sports. You can register for two, three, or five days per week, and for fall, winter, and/or spring sessions. Fees are based on the length of each session and the number of days your child will attend. Partial scholarships are available through the Parks Department.
For more information, call 510-747-7529, email or visit the Alameda Parks and Recreation website. See flyer.